Become An NGIWA Member

NGIWA serves businesses that commercially grow, sell or use plants or supply related products and services.

NGIWA Membership offers valuable benefits to businesses and individuals who are commited to creating a positive and profitable future for theiur business by putting our members ahead in the marketplace.

seedling in greenhouse

Which Membership Are You Interested In?

kangaroo paws
supporting growers covid 19
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Benefits Of Joining NGIWA

NGIWA serves businesses that commercially grow, sell or use plants or supply related products and services.

NGIWA Membership offers valuable benefits to businesses and individuals who are committed to creating a positive and profitable future for their business by putting our members ahead in the marketplace.

There are many benefits from joining as an NGIWA Member including:

Our Association is also working to represent the Nursery and Garden Industry members’ interests with the following organisations:

NGIWA membership offers valuable benefits to businesses and individuals who are committed to creating a positive and profitable future for their business by putting our members ahead in the marketplace.

Legislative and Compliance Information

Through its staff and networks, NGIWA keeps members informed on critical legislative issues through NGIWA eNews, our monthly newsletter.

Industry Networking Opportunities

NGIWA events allow members the opportunity to share ideas, solutions and develop a community of knowledge sharing.

getting the facts on pollination

Membership of Nursery & Garden Industry Australia (NGIA)

This is an automatic benefit received upon joining NGIWA. Members receive one free copy of the annual Nursery Trade Register, featuring around 1000 of Australia’s leading production nurseries, wholesalers, garden centres, retail nurseries and allied traders.

Publications & Updates

We regularly keep our members up to date with industry news, views and issues via eNews, emails, electronic updates and industry publications. Our regular updates are vital for keeping members up to date on issues that effect their business, such as business management, marketing, technical developments, biosecurity and industry alerts.

Professional Development and Training

NGIWA provides challenging, contemporary professional development and training experiences on issues critical to the success of green industry businesses. Programmes meet the needs of diverse management backgrounds, business types, and learning styles. From classroom-style programs to informal networking sessions to ‘hands-on’ experiences, NGIWA offers year-round learning opportunities, with substantial discounts/preferences to members.

State Conference

The biennial NGIWA State Conference focuses on State based and localised industry issues. The State Conference is a major event on NGIWA’s events calendar and provides stimulus, focus, and introduce innovation, ideas and information to NGIWA members..

become a member
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Perth Garden Festival is a major outdoor garden event in WA and it attracts visitors who have interests in the horticulture, nursery, garden, and landscaping industry. NGIWA members are encouraged to partake in this annual event to increase branding and awareness, educate the public and horticulturists, to support the various industries presenting to the visitors, and to boost business sales.

If you are a Western Australian business actively engaged in the wholesale, retail, gardening or supplier to the green industry business or a student working towards a career in horticulture, it is in your best interest to become a member of Nursery and Garden Industry of Western Australia. Membership to NGIWA is a value added investment to increase your profitability, solve common problems and protect our industry for the future. Serving your business needs is the number one priority of NGIWA Board and staff. We are continually striving to add value to your membership.