Why you should join NGIWA
NGIWA serves businesses that commercially grow, sell or use plants, or supply-related products and services. We advocate the interests of the industry before government and provide members with up to date business knowledge and practices, essential to long-term growth and profitability.

NGIWA Membership Benefits
There are many benefits you will receive as an NGIWA member including:
- Weekly e-news to keep members informed of industry developments, proposed workshops and seminars. Our articles cover various subjects of interest.
- Technical advice and assistance
- Member information events
- Opportunity to join any advisory committee within NGIWA
- Free listing in the annual national Greenlife Industry Australia online Trade Register
- Free listing on our website
Special discounted member rates for industry events such as:
• Perth Garden & Outdoor Living Festival sites
• NGIWA State Conference
• GIA National Conference
• Industry workshops and seminars covering a wide range of technical and commercial issues for retailers, allied producers and growers
NGIWA represents our members’ interests with the following organisations:
- Horticulture Innovation Australia
- Water Corporation
- Department of Water
- Department of the Environment
- AQIS (Aust Quarantine)
- State Weed Groups
- AgriFood Skills and Food, Fibre & Timber Industries Training Council
- WA Garden Alliance
Other benefits include:
Regular NGIWA events allow members the opportunity to share ideas, solutions and develop a community of knowledge sharing.
All NGIWA members are automatically joined as affiliate members of Greenlife Industry Australia, the national body.
NGIWA provides challenging, contemporary professional development and training experiences on issues critical to the success of green industry businesses. Programs meet the needs of diverse management backgrounds, business types and learning styles. From classroom-style programs, to informal networking sessions or ‘hands-on’ experiences, NGIWA offers year-round learning opportunities either free of charge or with substantial member discounts and members are given preference for attending.
The biennial NGIWA State Conference focuses on state-based and local industry issues. The State Conference is a major event on NGIWA’s events calendar. It provides members with plenty of innovative ideas and information, presented by a panel of industry-renowned experts.
The Perth Garden & Outdoor Living Festival is THE major outdoor garden event in WA, attracting thousands of visitors who have interests in the horticulture, nursery, garden, and landscaping industry. NGIWA members are encouraged to partake in this annual event to help increase their branding and profile, to help educate the general public and horticulturists, to support the various industries presenting to the visitors and to boost sales.
If you are a Western Australian business actively engaged in the wholesale, retail, gardening or supplier to the green industry business or a student working towards a career in horticulture, it is in your best interest to become a member of NGIWA.
Our membership is a value-added investment that will help to increase your profitability, solve common problems and also helps to protect our industry for the future. Serving your business needs is the number one priority of our Association. We continually strive to add value to your membership dollar.