NGIWA Sponsorship

For over 80 years, Nursery & Garden Industry Western Australia (NGIWA) has been the voice for the WA nursery and garden industry. Contributing over $200 million to the Western Australian economy each year, the industry supports in excess of 200 grower nurseries, retail garden centres and allied trader manufacturers.


Strategic Plan

The NGIWA Strategic Plan has been established to encourage business improvement and to assist in business growth within the industry.

NGIWA provides a professional network, industry representation and business development initiatives for Western Australian growers, wholesalers, retailers and allied traders. This support enables us to operate more effectively by providing the public with quality plants, garden design and installations and related products and services. Like the nursery and garden industry as a whole, most NGIWA members are small, family-owned businesses that grow nursery and greenhouse plants, sell garden products, design, install and care for gardens, and sell supplies to the industry and general public.

Sponsorship benefits