Climate change means we all have a role to play to protect and adapt the way we use water.
NGIWA and Water Corporation work together to administer the Waterwise Garden Centre Program. This program expanded in 2013 to include quality online garden centres.

Become A Waterwise Garden Centre
The aim of this program is to support behavioural changes in the community by positively influencing consumption trends towards more water efficient garden designs, plant selection, mulches, irrigation considerations, soil wetting agents and associated products.
This program is open to high quality garden centres in WA who aim to promote water efficient products and practices to the public.
Waterwise Plant Directory
Plants suited to our climate need less water, are low maintenance and will look great in your garden. Use our directory to find waterwise plants that will grow best where you live.

Training and E-Learning
New Customer Essentials training seminars for Waterwise Service Providers is now available. Register online, complete the training and brush up on your customer service knowledge!

Find A Waterwise Garden Centre Near You
Australian Native Nursery
Oakford – 9525 1324
Dawsons Garden World
Forrestfield – 9453 6533
Joondalup – 9300 0733
O’Connor – 9314 7258
Swanbourne – 9384 9652
Garden Elegance
Subiaco – 9381 2197
Geographe Community Landcare Nursery
Busselton – 0429 644 885
Guildford Town Garden Centre
Guildford – 9279 8645
Miaflora Garden Centre
Inglewood – 0370 2928
Soil Solver Pty Ltd
0427 351 473
South Metropolitan TAFE
08 9229 8406
Strike Me Pink
Mount Barker – 0448 411 875
The Green Life Soil Co
08 9250 4575
Tim Eva’s Nursery
Gidgegannup – 08 9574 6596
Zanthorrea Nursery
Maida Vale – 9454 6260