Industry Partners
As part of our commitment to build a one-stop association and to be recognised as an industry leader, NGIWA collaborates with a number of key organisations to ensure we remain relevant, innovative and represented in all major areas of the industry.
This ensures our members are provided with the best industry exposure.

Greenlife Industry Australia is the peak industry body for businesses and organisations that provide products and services for greenlife production; for those who produce, supply and retail greenlife or promote the benefits of and share greenlife with the community. GIA replaced the Nursery & Garden Industry Australia national body in 2019, bringing them in line with the growing needs of a modern nursery industry.
NGIWA is an Association Member of GIA and is provided considerable additional support to benefit its members.
This includes a greater level of advocacy and representation at Commonwealth level, the ability to participate in the Australian Plant Production Management accreditation programs (which includes NIASA, EcoHort and BioSecure HACCP), national conferences and special member discounts from companies such as Caltex and Qantas.
In September 2003, Water Corporation in collaboration with NGIWA, created the Waterwise Garden Centre Program to positively influence consumption trends towards more water-efficient garden designs, plants, mulches, soil wetting agents and associated products.
This program continues today with many WA garden centres actively participating in the program. NGIWA also manages the Waterwise Plant Directory.
Outside of the program, Water Corporation have partnered with NGIWA at the Perth Garden & Outdoor Living Festival, coming together to create a ‘Waterwise Hub’. Visitors receive the most up-to-date information for creating a waterwise garden and learn how Perth is becoming a ‘Waterwise City’.
The Green Space Alliance was formed in 2014 as an informal industry group; providing a united voice on green space issues with the Western Australian Government. GSA has matured into a representative alliance with the vision ‘to live in a community that values green spaces at its core, to benefit everyone through improved health, well-being and liveability by using innovative water and urban planning solutions.’
With concerns about the future of natural green space for Perth and the surrounding area, a group of horticulture industry members and aligned bodies from around WA formed the Green Space Alliance. NGIWA has been a member of this group since its conception and plays an active role throughout the year.
For many years, NGIWA has worked closely with WA’s Department of Agriculture on biosecurity, new plant importations, quarantine protocols and providing clear pathways for trading at intra and interstate levels.
NGIWA regularly updates members with the latest information from DPIRD through the weekly eNews, ‘Greenlife WA’ and holds a members Growers Forum with representatives from DPIRD each year.
NGIWA joined Associations Forum in 2020 and regularly participates in workshops. This assists in developing NGIWA as an organisation and provides excellent resources for the NGIWA Board and Executive Officer.
NGIWA works closely with a number of organisations and associations which include, but not limited to:
- Irrigation Australia
- Landscape Industries Association WA
- Vegetables WA
- Perth NRM
- Sports Turf Association
- The Western Australian Landscape Design Association
- Horticultural Media Association
- Tree Guild WA
- Department of Water & Environmental Regulation
- WA Local Government Association (WALGA)