Registered Training Organisations
For those organisations that provide training services to the horticultural industry such as TAFE.
Membership Form Requirements
- Registered ABN and Trading Name
- Read and signed NGIWA’s Code of Ethics and Rules
Become An NGIWA Member
- Complete the online Application Form and submit to NGIWA
- NGIWA board to approve and sign nomination
- NGIWA Members to be notified of the nurseries interest to become a member.
- NGIWA office to process application and invoice fees. Note this will also include the application fee.
- Once your appropriate fees have been paid you will then be provided with a membership certificate, sign, and NGIWA member logo.
Key Member Benefits Include
- Membership covers staff within the main part of the business. Traditionally this is the organisations Program Manager and lecturing staff within areas of horticulture, nursery production and retail sectors
- Advocacy representation at state and national level with the WA State Government and Greenlife Industry Australia, Australia’s nursery industry peak body
- Listing within the Association’s web page under ‘Careers and Courses’ and also in Greenlife Industry Australia’s online Members Trade Directory.
- Access to the Members Hub where you will find the Nursery Industry Directory listing our members and services that they offer
- Discounted rates for development workshops, annual members breakfast, state conference, retail nights and access to our free social networking functions
- Support in delivering relevant industry ‘Career Pathway’ presentations to students on an annual basis as well as supporting students through our NextGen program.
- Weekly copy of ‘Greenlife WA’ to all nominated staff
- Receive regular NGIWA updates via the Association’s media platforms
- Free tickets to the annual Perth Garden & Outdoor Living Festival
- NGIWA Membership certificate, sign and logo for marketing and branding purposes for the organisation.